East European countries are queuing up to gain entry into the EuropeanUnion, and doing their best to fulfil the requirements for membership. And as far as the pharmaceutical sector is concerned, much progress is being made, delegates at the 33rd annual meeting of the European Proprietary Medicines Manufacturers' Association, held in Budapest, Hungary, last month (see also Marketletter June 30) were told.
Opening the conference, Istvan Orban, president of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, Magyosz, said his country's goal is to achieve dynamic economic growth because this is the only way to line up with the developed European countries and join the EU, "which is a political and economical priority in Hungary."
The pharmaceutical industry is an important branch of Hungary's economy, and plays a significant role in the domestic drug supply, Dr Orban said, adding that to date, six of the seven largest drugmakers are owned by foreign professional investors, in some cases almost 100%. He said he believed that Hungarian drug manufacturing and distribution already conforms with the EU in many areas, noting that in 1994 Hungary moved to a product patent system and its drug firms meet the Good Manufacturing and Good Laboratory Practice requirements laid down in international conventions.
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